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Linnovate Overcomes Cybersecurity Growing Pains with CylanceENDPOINT

"Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated as they continually develop new techniques and tactics. With BlackBerry, we've peace of mind knowing we're protected against them."
— Samson Law, Director of Technology, Linnovate Partners

Linnovate Partners is a lead disruptor and leading service provider in the alternative investment scene. Founded in Hong Kong in 2016, the company provides clients with an integrated suite of technology-enabled solutions, alongside a broad spectrum of services that serve the needs of asset and fund managers. With 10 offices around the globe, Linnovate provides fund administration services to more than 600 funds, and its assets under administration total approximately $120 billion.

Linnovate strongly believes that investing in digital capabilities to connect front- and back-office operations is the key to greater productivity and efficiency. It also understands that cybersecurity goes hand-in-hand with these capabilities: The company's work makes it a target for threat actors, and it must take the necessary steps to protect itself.

Sophisticated, AI-driven endpoint security tailored to Linnovate’s requirements

A highly scalable solution that readily integrates with existing infrastructure

Improved system performance and security posture

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The Delicate Balance Between Business Agility and Cybersecurity

The Delicate Balance Between Business Agility and Cybersecurity

Linnovate sought to expand, but it knew this would require more flexible and scalable infrastructure. More importantly, it understood that its security must also evolve, to address new threats and vulnerabilities while staying in line with industry regulations.

"We needed to strike a balance between maintaining the agility required to support our growth and maintaining the necessary level of security to protect our digital assets and customers," notes Law.

Banking on Better Security Posture

“Data breaches and cyberattacks are some of our primary security concerns,” Law continues. “They can cause significant financial loss, damage our reputation, and compromise the trust of our clients. To prevent that from happening, we pursued several security initiatives.”

First, Linnovate implemented multi-factor authentication, endpoint protection, and strong encryption. It paired these measures with regular security awareness training, alongside regular security audits and penetration testing. The company also developed and implemented a comprehensive incident response plan.

Last but not least, Linnovate reached out to several trusted security solution providers — including BlackBerry.

"We were impressed by BlackBerry's reputation as a vendor," explains Law.

"We were impressed by BlackBerry's reputation as a vendor," explains Law.

But it wasn't solely BlackBerry's status as a trusted, experienced cybersecurity provider that sealed the deal for Linnovate. BlackBerry also offered the functionality Linnovate required — lightweight, scalable real-time threat detection and prevention alongside a comprehensive console to help us meet IT administrator and industrial audit requirements such as SOC 2 and ISAE 3402. After a brief evaluation, Linnovate cut ties with its previous EDR vendor and deployed BlackBerry CylanceENDPOINT™.


CylanceENDPOINT™ leverages self-defending Cylance AI® prevention, detection, and response capabilities, to enable a proactive approach to cybersecurity, eliminating threats before they have a chance to cause damage. Its lightweight endpoint agent scans and detects everything from malware and malicious scripts to zero-day exploits and works effectively regardless of whether an endpoint is connected to a network or the internet. 

Partners in AI-Driven Cybersecurity

"BlackBerry provides a range of benefits, including access to their technology, expertise, and resources," says Law. "Partnering with them has helped improve our security posture, protect our sensitive data, and comply more easily with industry regulations. We trust BlackBerry for our security needs — to help us safeguard our assets and protect them against potential threats." 
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Financial Services/Business Administration
Hong Kong