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With its DTS Brand, Xperi Drives the Future of Infotainment

"BlackBerry is an integral player in the automotive space. Interfacing directly with QNX means we're working with the best to bring our products to market."
—Jeff Jury, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Connected Car, Xperi

DTS & Xperi maintain strong partnerships with several key players in automotive software —including BlackBerry® QNX®.

Partnerships have been a cornerstone of DTS, a subsidiary of Xperi, Inc, success. A leading innovator in automotive infotainment and imaging, DTS works directly with Tier 1 suppliers to develop and deploy its solutions.  The company’s portfolio includes digital radio solutions, along with an in-car multimedia platform, and onboard safety systems.

The latter two are closely connected, according to Senior Vice President and General Manager, Connected Car, Xperi Jeff Jury.

“If you’re going to have a more immersive entertainment experience, you need better safety systems,” Jury explains. “We combine the two for our customers, which requires a strong foundation. BlackBerry QNX provides that foundation,” he says.

Fast, flexible, development

Robust toolkit and features

Active software support

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A Production-Ready Partnership

A Production-Ready Partnership

DTS knew that beyond automotive safety systems there are ways to greatly improve the in-car experience. It also knew that this was only achievable with the right partner.

"Even with a strong platform, there are many things that could derail a project," notes Attila Mikes, director of product management at Xperi. "These include licensing, collaboration between sales and legal, and scaling. We recognized early on that the BlackBerry QNX team has the experience to overcome these and any other challenges we might encounter."

Enlisting Technology and Follow-Through

DTS operates on the principle that good development should be interactive, flexible, and highly personalized. Its team works in an agile environment with clearly defined checkpoints and frequent iterations, all with the goal of delivering the highest code quality possible for production. These needs could not be met by an OS alone.

“BlackBerry QNX’s rich toolset and outstanding support were important, but they were not the only factors we considered,” Mikes explains. “We also looked at the capacity to define and follow through on a common goal, on-point project management, and the capacity of a partner to understand what drives us. BlackBerry stood out on all fronts.”

Accelerating Towards Automotive Innovation

Accelerating Towards Automotive Innovation

The QNX® Neutrino® Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) has been deployed by thousands of companies in millions of vehicles since its debut in the 1980s. Today it forms a foundation for advanced software-defined vehicle architectures, enabling sophisticated features and functionalities, while also ensuring reliability in mission-critical systems. Leveraging the QNX® Software Development Platform (SDP), DTS/Xperi can bring the full potential of BlackBerry® QNX® technology to bear.

“We have been working with BlackBerry QNX since 2019,” Mikes says. “I would say that thus far, the highlight of our work is the fact that our first combined DMS-OMS (driver monitoring system-occupant monitoring system) solution using a single wide-field-of-view camera targets QNX as the main operating system.”

Looking Forward to a Future with BlackBerry QNX

“As we develop new automotive features and experiences, it's very important that we collaborate with key partners,” Jury says. “BlackBerry QNX is one such partner. Their OS allows us to deliver on our offerings and create a more immersive, personalized experience — to realize our vision of how the future of driving will look.”

"Usually, an initial project has the potential to reveal the lack of vision alignment between the two parties," Mikes adds. "This is not the case here. We're very much looking forward to future projects with BlackBerry QNX."

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